Safer Internet Day - Google Drive Bonus

in google on (#2X03)
For today's Safer Internet Day Google is promoting a "safer and more responsible use of online technology and mobile phones" by giving you a 2 GB Google Drive bonus for checking your security settings. To be eligible for the bonus, go to this page to verify your current account settings to make sure they are up to date. Although the three simple steps only take a few seconds to review, the storage bonus, unfortunately, does not get applied until around February 28th.

Whether or not you actually use their cloud storage service is still up to you (I'm currently using 0 GB of 115 GB) - but keeping an eye on your Google account logins (including any connected Android or iOS devices) is probably a good idea regardless.

Thanks (Score: 2, Funny)

by Anonymous Coward on 2015-02-11 11:07 (#2X07)

I think I will spend the day deleting my google accounts. Perhaps then I will feel safer.
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If a person is called George, what is their name?