John McAfee starts Brownlist, the complaint engine

in internet on (#3T2)
John McAfee, eccentric security pioneer turned Belize wanted criminal, made an appearance at Defcon22 to unveil his latest creation, The Brown List.

Tech Times writes:
John McAfee announced The Brown List in a surprise appearance in Las Vegas at the Defcon, the largest gathering of computer hackers in the world. While the site sounds like it's just a magnet for rants, McAfee looks at it differently. "This taps into anger in a positive way. Instead of getting angry and shooting at somebody on the highway, or yelling at your wife, you can log onto the site. Instead of just lashing out, give us your positive solutions

Re: smells like poop (Score: 1, Insightful)

by Anonymous Coward on 2014-08-13 15:11 (#3TY)

Don't forget about ad revenue...

Just because it doesn't accomplish anything major doesn't mean it won't be successful. Hell, has Facebook done a single worthwhile thing yet in its entire existence?
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The list hand, school, cake, coat, knee and chest contains how many body parts?