Teen Girls Face Charges After Beating Video Shared Online

in internet on (#3H6)
story imageThe Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) has reported on a potential case of cyber-bullying in Beloiel, Quebec . In a modern twist on high-school interactions, two girls took turns beating and mauling a boy in their school parking lot while the other videotaped the confrontation on a cellphone. The boy chose not to fight back. When posted to Facebook, the video got thousands of views.

Sgt. Harry Wadup of the Richelieu-St-Laurent municipal police force said the girls are facing charges relating to issuing threats, assault and inciting violence.

While bullying does happen in many settings, and bullying in school is something we have all likely witnessed or experienced, what is the motivation for sharing bullying videos on the internet? What can an understanding of the problem do to help potential bullies not go down the "bullying" road?

Re: Devil and the deep blue sea (Score: 0)

by Anonymous Coward on 2014-08-18 02:47 (#3YE)

I'm a 45 year old man and for most of my life I would have disagreed that a woman could overpower a man until a drunk 21 year old woman at the bar mistook me for someone else and started fighting with me a few months ago. Unfortunately I havn't worked out in years and I forgot how strong 21 year olds can be...needless to say the woman schooled me, owned me, and actually sent me to the ER. We live in a day in age where women, especially young women, workout, a lot. I can attest I learned the hard way that a guy who doesn't work out is going to be weaker than a woman who does. I've since started working out and doing some weight training however I am in no way advocating hiting a woman although I think it's equally wrong for a woman to hit a man assuming he can "take it." In my case the woman pushed me up against a wall and I wasn't physically strong enough to stop her. I could tell by the smile on her face that she even realized this. She even asked me how it felt "to get owned by a girl" once she had me pinned against the wall. Unfortunately she punched me before I could try to talk her out of doing anything more which kind of took me by surprise. I went down with her second punch. Sadly the woman still didn't think that was enough and kicked me in the face when I tried to get up. Fortunately she had barefeet so it wasn't as bad as it could have been, but after that kick, I was out. Not a spot I ever want to be in again. Having been in this spot though, I don't see any problem with a guy reasonably defending himself (if he's able) but only to the point he can get away and prevent a woman from beating him to a pulp.
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