What do the Raspberry Pi and the Commodore 64 have in common? More than you think by zafiro17@pipedot.org in hardware on 2014-08-22 20:31 (#40N) What do the Raspberry Pi and the Commodore 64 have in common? More than you think. Lifehacker has published a decent compendium of retro operating systems you can run on Raspberry Pi hardware, and the C=64 is one of them. Others include Microsoft DOS, the ZX Spectrum, the Macintosh System 6 OS, and the quite-rare MSX. Read more at Lifehacker, and if you do go for the Commodore 64 system, make sure to pair it with one of these awesome refurbished C=64s by Tynemouth. They've been reworked into USB keyboards and despite the price, look awesome.