Confessions of an iGoogle User

in pipedot on (#3ER)
I admit it. I was one of the 7.1 million users of the ill-fated service, iGoogle. For over eight years, Google offered a quick glance of your favorite news feeds on a customizable, fast loading, and ad-free homepage. Similar to Reader's fate a few months earlier, Google retired the service in November 2013, leaving its users to look for alternatives.

For the past few months, I have tried a number of these alternatives. Unfortunately, most are either riddled with ads or exist as JavaScript heavyweights. Ad Block Plus can remove most of the ads, but it often leaves giant holes on the page. Because I set the page as my homepage, I also don't like waiting for the browser to load every JavaScript library know to man just to render the page's "Web 2.0" layout.

Luckily, I'm a developer - a developer with an itch. Therefore, Pipedot now offers a user-customizable feed page! An example feed page can be seen here or you can go to your Pipedot user-page at to set up your own page.

Very nice .. and a good feed for all (Score: 3, Informative)

by on 2014-02-24 02:37 (#5E)

What a pleasant surprise! This feature makes so much sense for a site like this, and it really sets Pipedot apart from its cousins. Great job!

In addition, here's a Google Groups feed for the comp.misc newsgroup. Anybody that visits Pipedot will probably like this as well.
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The list lion, monkey, sweatshirt, ant and chest contains how many body parts?