Re: Green Site, Red Site, Blue Site (Score: 1, Interesting)

by Anonymous Coward on 2023-06-06 06:43 (#6C2PM)

Jesus Christ those people need to just talk to each other.

They are right that NCommander seems to be acting like a dictator by putting up plans with a "my way or the highway" attitude, but rightly or wrongly he and Matt basically are dictators from the legal point of view. They are also right that NCommander has made serious errors technical and socially throughout this process.And they are right that NCommander has done serious damage to the trust and reach of SoylentNews itself.

NCommander is right that the rest of the staff don't seem to have a plan, at least one on the website for all to see. He is also right that technically the site has languished with open vulnerabilities for years and no one stepping up either to work on perl or replace it.

This whole thing is like Mom and Dad fighting and I'm starting to get a feeling that another "beta" divorce is coming.
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