Build Your Own Linux Distro

Anonymous Coward
in ask on (#7TAG)
story imageBen Everard | April 23, 2015

"Do you have a favourite distro that you've spent hours customising? Mayank Sharma shows you how you can spin it into a live distro that you can pass to friends, family, or even on to DistroWatch!"

Building a custom Linux system is easy (Score: 2, Informative)

by on 2015-04-26 12:48 (#7VGH)

Did it once with LFS ( It is fun to do. One learns quite a bit about Linux. IMHO if one wants to work a Linux system administrator it is almost a must. However, it is absolutely no fun to keep such a system up-to-date. Changing dependencies. Following security advisories. It is a full time job. As software developer I prefer a standard distribution. Which one? Don't care. As a compromise I manage my most used tools... gcc/clang/qt/cmake... myself. This way no update can unexpectedly pull the rug from under my feet. I can easily change the distribution. And I learn about possible problems in my tools, which otherwise might be hidden due to distribution specific patches.
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