ConnochaetOS, a Libre-Slackware-based Distro Resumes Development

Anonymous Coward
in linux on (#88YG)
ConnochaetOS, a Slackware- and Salix OS-based GNU/Linux Distribution, has announced a Release Candidate 2 for its version 14.1 after a several year hiatus.
This time it will be again a free/libre distro which contains only free software. It still focuses on lightweight usage and old computers - why there will be only a 32 bit version. To reduce the workload ConnochaetOS will be based on Slackware and Salix OS.

The versioning will follow the Slack/Salix versioning scheme to make things easier. So the next ConnochaetOS release will be version 14.1.
The ConnochaetOS website is also host to the slack-n-free repository, which provides Free Software replacements, including a linux-libre kernel, in the Slackware .t?z format.

Promising news for Free Software and Slackware fans alike.

Re: Something definitely wrong with this article..... (Score: 1)

by on 2015-05-04 09:04 (#8B79)

I run Slackware 14.0 (the one before the latest) and it provides KDE4, not KDE3. In my experience Slackware doesn't generally prefer older software. In fact, it's usually very up to date.
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Thirty nine, nine and 39: the 2nd number is?