Security researcher controlled passenger jet via inflight entertainment system

"We believe Roberts had the ability and the willingness to use the equipment then with him to access or attempt to access the (inflight entertainment system) and possibly the flight control systems on any aircraft equipped with an (inflight entertainment system) and it would endanger the public safety to allow him to leave the Syracuse airport that evening with that equipment," sates the warrant application. Roberts has not yet been charged with any crime. The allegations contained in the search warrant application have not been proven in court.
Shortly after the incident with Roberts, Wired reported that the TSA and the F.B.I. issued a bulletin to airlines to be on the lookout for passengers showing signs they may be trying to hack into an airplane's Wi-Fi or inflight entertainment system. Wired also reported that the U.S. Government Accountability Office issued a report warning that electronic systems on some planes may be vulnerable to hacking.
I think it is impossible for uneducated people to know what somebody does in front of the computer. Just because it looks like "Hollywood hacking" it is not hacking.