Munich standardizes on Kolab for its groupware

in linux on (#3F3)
If you've been following the trials and tribulations of German city Munich's transition from Windows to Linux, you know they've moved 15,500 desktops onto Linux. They've now taken the next step and selected a standardized groupware solution for communication: Kolab. What, you were expecting Exchange Server?

Re: What came before (Score: 3, Interesting)

by on 2014-03-04 19:07 (#9F)

Well if they switched to Linux last year and they're only now going to Kolab, they must be using something in that gap. Although now that I think on it, maybe they're just toughing out the loss in functionality temporarily. Or they stuck with Exchange (assuming that's what they used) and are interfacing with that, which I'd be interested to know how that went.
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