Expandable Comments

in pipedot on (#3F5)
Good news everyone! I've just pushed out the first version of expandable comments! They may still be a little rough around the edges, but you are welcome to try them out below or on any other story.

As for the nerdy details, the scripts are using jQuery to pull the raw comments in JSON format from the server. The two HTML5 slider elements control the display thresholds. Comments that are under the "Hide" threshold are completely hidden. Comments that are under the "Expand" threshold are collapsed. The rest of the comments are shown in full. Collapsed comments show the subject text + the first line of body text. You can click on any collapsed comment to expand it.

For those that prefer to be script free, we will offer an "Enable JavaScript" checkbox in your user settings page. Unchecking this option will present you with server-side-generated pages instead of the JavaScript enabled pages.

Not working yet - no setting to change. (Score: 3, Interesting)

by fatphil@pipedot.org on 2014-03-07 09:21 (#AH)

"Javascript disabled."
Not necessarily true - in 2 of the 3 browsers I use regularly javascript isn't even a feature that could ever be enabled, and the 3rd one has NoScript enabled to the max except for things I depend on.

Forward steps, please. Not backward ones.
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The color of a brown coat is?