FCC votes to subsidize broadband for the poor

in internet on (#DBVA)
The Federal Communications Commission approved a proposal to explore including broadband as part of a decades-old program that subsidizes phone service for low-income consumers. The plan would expand the government's Lifeline program - created 30 years ago to help financially struggling Americans access basic telecommunication services - to include broadband Internet access. The commission must now figure out the specifics of incorporating broadband into Lifeline, after which another vote will be held. As expected, Republicans opposed extending the phone subsidy, arguing that the program has been subjected to fraud and abuse.

Established in 1985, the Lifeline program offers low-income users a $9.25 monthly subsidy for basic telephone services. It was updated in 2008 to include wireless phones, and now Wheeler wants to reboot it again to "make sure it is still performing the critical function for which it was formed." His proposal would give eligible consumers the option to apply the subsidy to broadband Internet access.

You mean dialup++ (Score: 0)

by Anonymous Coward on 2015-07-06 09:40 (#DEFQ)

Given the lowball definition of "broadband" in the states and taking into account the crappy state of isp services shouldn't this effectively be for subsidising dialup, albeit with dsl hardware
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