Fingerprint biometrics instead of ticket/ID

Anonymous Coward
in security on (#GTBW)
story imageWishing the airline industry could get its act together to innovate around security hassles? Don't give up hope yet!

Security firm CLEAR has worked with Alaska Airlines to implement biometric identification of passengers willing to pay an annual fee of $245. Swiping fingers across a plate will replace a boarding pass and photo ID. The airline states that in their opinion 'Using biometrics as identification has a huge potential to simplify the travel experience and eliminate hassles'.

No word on what happens when someone decides to impersonate someone and hacks off their hand to use as identification.

Japan and US collect tourist fingerprints (Score: 0)

by Anonymous Coward on 2015-08-09 05:10 (#GVTD)

Which is why I decline to visit either.
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