Re: Upvote this story if you aren't a cuck. (Score: 0)

by Anonymous Coward on 2015-09-05 12:06 (#KH2V)

the idea here is to draw comments and discussions, not trolls

maybe find a real news source that is covering the issue you have - because every news post i've found fails to mention GPL violations, including tech-sites.

This is basically what you submitted:

-"rah rah rah, i think they are wrong"
+lack of further evidence, or credibility
-"rah rah rah i'm the only one who thinks this is a thing"
+still lacks source material
-"im right and you're all stupid for not thinking so"
+C&P random, irrelevant, anonymous chat logs
-"see? rah rah rah"

if you still have no idea why the submission was closed, then you're missing the whole point of this site -> just goto reddit -the toilet of the interwebs- for troll battles. maybe you can stink up enough interest and attention that a real news source will weigh your claim.
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