Re: Used to be +1 (Score: 0)

by Anonymous Coward on 2015-09-05 12:20 (#KH3N)

Provide links to said websites or outlets that run this story, and you may find that it would likely get published here.So far, all that has been supplied is anonymous commentary on a company's press-release. You've done basically no leg work, or the simple fact that there isn't actually a story to do such leg work.

There are no verifiable sources, no public dissenting commentary, no links to posts from the mailing lists, nothing. just angry you. Every article I searched for tohelp bolster your submission, only took a pro-grsecurity stance. show us an angry email from a linux developer, or something.

This isn't the first submission that has been closed for being a not-story this year, and wont be the last: you're not special. It was not rejected due to lack of want for a lively debate; because i want to debate something real, not just some anonymous opinion.
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