Pipedot Status Update

in pipedot on (#3GW)
Thank you for all of your comments and constructive criticisms from last week's poll. Input like this helps me prioritize the implementation of features that are the most important to you. Seems I underestimated some, like search, and will adjust my schedule accordingly.

Updates for this week:
  • Search Page - Still a bit raw, but have to start somewhere, right?
  • More Editors - We now have three volunteer editors. If you are interested in helping in this department, feel free to contact me. Or you can always submit more stories to help us out.
  • Mailing List - Mainly for staff discussions, but anyone is free to participate. Click the checkbox on your settings page to subscribe to the list. A pretty HTML archive interface will be added soon.
  • Titles - The HTML title on most pages should now be meaningful
  • Forgot Password - You can now reset a forgotten password by answering a standard email challenge

Re: Steady incremental changes good! (Score: 3, Insightful)

by hombre@pipedot.org on 2014-03-25 01:12 (#SQ)

I signed on at Soylent reasonably early. Honestly, I like this place more. No, the community isn't here, yet, but it will come. I found the politicking over there to be rather distasteful. Moreso than anything Dice ever did at The Other Site.

I wish I had the skills to help out here, but I really, really don't. I'll have to settle for sitting back and enjoying the ride.
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The list chips, cow, mouse, ankle and shirt contains how many body parts?