Re: Why the neg vote (Score: 1)

by on 2015-11-18 20:53 (#V103)

I didn't vote (up or down), but it is fairly mundane news.

Other apps have had offline navigation for years, even some free ones like HERE... Google's offline maps support is pretty cumbersome, having to select all the areas you might ever want to go to, in a series of small squares, one at a time... Others make it one click to download entire US states, or even whole countries.

Google isn't the best online Navigation app, either... While not exactly relevant for offline navigation, it unfortunately tells you about traffic slowdowns up ahead, but never bothers trying to route you around them! Only thing Google Maps has going for it is larger volumes of POI/business info, but that is often wrong, and the bad info doesn't get fixed for years.

Incidentally, a link to a YouTube video where someone reads you the same story you just read, isn't a very good source for |. submissions, either. I'd be inclined to vote them down for that reason alone, but that's IMHO, and I've refrained from voting at all so far.
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