Huawei reveals new smartphone battery that charges 10 times faster

in mobile on (#X8VJ)
The Chinese smartphone company Huawei has unveiled their new quick charging lithium-ion batteries at the 56th Battery Symposium in Japan. Using next generation technology, these new batteries have achieved a charging speed 10 times faster than that of normal batteries, reaching about 50% capacity in mere minutes.

Huawei presented videos of the two types of quick charging lithium-ion batteries: one battery with a 600 mAh capacity that can be charged to 68% capacity in two minutes; and another with a 3000 mAh capacity which can be charged to 48% capacity in five minutes to allow ten hours of phone call on Huawei mobile phones.

What we need is MOAR CAPACITY! (Score: 1)

by on 2015-12-20 14:57 (#Y98H)

With today's quad and octocore smartphones what we need is more capacity, I mean who cares if it'll charge in say 10 minutes if I can blow through the entire charge of my phone in less than 45 minutes of gaming or a little over an hour of video streaming? I have yet to see a smartphone that can even compete with the 6 year old battery on my netbook with its 2 hours of gaming or 4 hours plus of streaming, what good is all this high tech in our portable devices if we are tied to an outlet?
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