Online Payment Provider Refuses VPN Users Citing Fraud

Anonymous Coward
in security on (#YDDF)
Australian company now refuses to process payments for VPN users. The software used by the rejects payments originating from a known VPN IP address as it is "high risk" and may be an attempt to conduct fraud. A representative has stated that users need to disable VPN software to make online purchases. The Australian government recently started logging internet and phone activity. Australian politicians have recommended using a VPN and other secure technology to ensure privacy online.

Re: Not a unique problem (Score: 0)

by Anonymous Coward on 2015-12-26 03:32 (#YSJX)

After the AU government started logging all phone and internet "metadata" I started to always use a VPN. The net is slower.. but otherwise there is little difference other than that I pay an extra $5 per month.
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