Story 2015-03-30 61RE Similar news and inline comment replies

Similar news and inline comment replies

in pipedot on (#61RE)
When submitting a story for a piece of news, which site do you link to? Depending on the popularity of the news, many dozens of organizations may have written an article on the topic. Some articles may lack proper grammar/citations or exist behind a paywall. Some sites may have abusive advertisements or frivolous JavaScript usage. You can exclusively use your favorite source, or link to several of the more popular news sites, or simply rely on the user to search for more information.

To help readers find more information, the site will now include a "Similar" button at the bottom right of the story box. Clicking on the link will show you a list of similar news articles to current topic.

Eagle-eyed viewers may have also noticed a new "Inline Reply" option in their profile settings. After a few weeks of limited roll-out, this option is now enabled by default for logged in users. Of course, you should have JavaScript enabled to use this new feature.
Reply 5 comments

nice (Score: 3, Insightful)

by on 2015-03-30 15:27 (#62QC)

Also would be handy to distinguish original source and possibly original research papers the report is based on (if applicable). Yea, I know, you can't add something good without requests for more, but my compliments to you for helping us cut through the clutter.

Re: nice (Score: 0)

by Anonymous Coward on 2015-03-30 21:52 (#63HG)

Do you mean the ability to tag URLs? Metadata indicating source type? If so then that is a great idea. Could use rel in the a href.

Re: nice (Score: 1)

by on 2015-03-31 22:03 (#65XG)

Yeah, I was trying to put that in the right words for a while. Nicely put. It might take some extra effort that is in short supply.

Inline reply (Score: 1)

by on 2015-03-31 22:20 (#65YD)

Seems you have to enable javascript in your Pipedot preferences, not just in your browser. The major effect I immediately notice is that typing in the comment box gets a little laggy, as does initial display of the comment box itself. Also seems to impact display of comments under the story, as when I enabled JS in my settings, that got laggy too. (The story appears immediately, the comments take about 10 seconds.)

Also, now when I move the cursor with the arrow keys, it vanishes. It's fine if placed with the mouse or moved with the Home or End keys.

Re: Inline reply (Score: 1)

by on 2015-04-01 06:18 (#66HK)

The story appears immediately, the comments take about 10 seconds.
10 seconds? Using firebug, my worst case (even on stories with more than a hundred comments) is around 40ms to load the comments. The JavaScript version of comments is just a rather small JSON request and shouldn't take nearly that long.

However, if you are using an older computer with a weak CPU or network connection, I would highly recommend disabling the WYSIWYG editor. I've tried several other editor libraries but have currently settled on the rather bulky CKEditor. With 2 megabytes of JavaScript spread over 200 files, CKEditor is kind of a pig. I may switch to an different editor if the library gets any more bloated or if I find a lighter weight alternative.