Want to work less and have more time? Then buy less stuff | Michelle McGagh
by Michelle McGagh from on (#15M7J)
The average British person is consuming fewer things. Perhaps we are slowly beginning to realise that less really is more
Britain has fallen behind most of Europe when it comes to consumption, but it shouldn't be seen as a negative; we could be at the forefront of a positive trend for more thoughtful purchasing.
Recent data from the Office for National Statistics shows the average person is consuming fewer resources than they were a decade ago, recording a fall from 15 tonnes of material in 2001 to 10 tonnes in 2013. We also use less material per person than any other European country bar Spain.
Related: UK consumes far less than a decade ago - 'peak stuff' or something else?
Related: Why I'm buying nothing for a year - no clothes, no holidays, no coffee ...
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