Article 1EKCN This time in the euro debt crisis, the IMF will come bearing gifts for the Greeks

This time in the euro debt crisis, the IMF will come bearing gifts for the Greeks

Guardian Staff
from Economics | The Guardian on (#1EKCN)
Story ImageAthens is at another pinch point. But the proponents of austerity ranged against it are starting to turn on each other - and suddenly there is a glimmer of light

Another Sunday, another vote in the Greek parliament, another self-imposed punishment beating as the parliament in Athens votes through fresh austerity measures. There will be higher VAT and an increase in taxes on all the pleasures of life: coffee, booze, fags, gambling, even pay TV.

And just in case Greece might need to tighten its belt by another couple of notches to meet stringent budget targets, there will be additional measures that will kick in if there is any fiscal slippage over the next couple of years. George Harrison started his song Taxman with the words: "Let me tell you how it will be/There's one for you, nineteen for me." The Greeks know exactly what he meant.

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