Comment 1GN Re: an excuse to try


2014 openSUSE Conference Focused on Subtle Improvements


an excuse to try (Score: 2, Interesting)

by on 2014-05-09 19:46 (#1GJ)

I've always wanted to find an excuse to take Suse for a spin, but I've become such a fan of the Debian-style package management system that I've never got around to it...

Re: an excuse to try (Score: 2, Interesting)

by on 2014-05-09 21:37 (#1GM)

I've used openSUSE off and on over the passed decade or so v9.1-12.x. I was once a much bigger fan of theirs. I just ran into too many broken dependencies in their repos, and went elsewhere. I think the use of CentOS at work also contributed to the shift. Maybe I got tired of the bleeding edge. openSUSE isn't bad. I just think it needs some more polishing.

Re: an excuse to try (Score: 1, Informative)

by Anonymous Coward on 2014-05-09 21:46 (#1GN)

Looks like you were using it during the Novell years; not their best releases. I've been really happy with 12.3 and apparently 13.1 is pretty good too. My favorite distro - maybe of all time - dates back to 2003: SUSE 8.1. Awesomeness.

The Novell years weren't great for SUSE. Under Attachmate, things have improved in important ways.


Time Reason Points Voter
2014-05-10 01:00 Informative +1

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