2014 openSUSE Conference Focused on Subtle Improvements

in linux on (#3K7)
story imageoSC 14 , held April 24-28 in the lovely Mediterranean port town of Dubrovnik, Croatia , has come and gone . If you like openSUSE , expect more of the same. Don't expect any radical changes upcoming for this steady-and-predictable distro!

The conference focused on high level questions of packaging, approach, distro lifecycle management, and marketing. There were some interesting presentations on specific topics of interest as well, including [the following are all video links]:The rest of the presentations are available here [youtube], and conference photos are here .

SUSE has been my go-to distro since 2001. I'm raising a glass to the openSUSE team and hoping for more green!

Re: an excuse to try (Score: 1, Informative)

by Anonymous Coward on 2014-05-09 21:46 (#1GN)

Looks like you were using it during the Novell years; not their best releases. I've been really happy with 12.3 and apparently 13.1 is pretty good too. My favorite distro - maybe of all time - dates back to 2003: SUSE 8.1. Awesomeness.

The Novell years weren't great for SUSE. Under Attachmate, things have improved in important ways.
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What is the 1st color in the list green, school and black?