Article 2GP3B Why robots should be taxed if they take people's jobs | Robert Shiller

Why robots should be taxed if they take people's jobs | Robert Shiller

Robert Shiller
from Economics | The Guardian on (#2GP3B)

Bill Gates says governments could use a robot tax to fund human services - it would also help remedy income inequality

The idea of a tax on robots was raised last May in a draft report to the European parliament prepared by MEP Mady Delvaux from the committee on legal affairs. Emphasising how robots could boost inequality, the report proposed that there might be a "need to introduce corporate reporting requirements on the extent and proportion of the contribution of robotics and AI to the economic results of a company for the purpose of taxation and social security contributions".

The public reaction to Delvaux's proposal has been overwhelmingly negative, with the notable exception of Bill Gates, who endorsed it. But we should not dismiss the idea out of hand. In just the past year, we have seen the proliferation of devices such as Google Home and Amazon Echo Dot (Alexa), which replace some aspects of household help. Likewise, the Delphi and nuTonomy driverless taxi services in Singapore have started to replace taxi drivers. And Doordash, which uses Starship Technologies miniature self-driving vehicles, is replacing restaurant delivery people.

Related: If the robots are coming for our jobs, make sure they pay their taxes | John Naughton

Related: Robots won't just take our jobs - they'll make the rich even richer

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