Governments have to invest in the fourth industrial revolution | Larry Elliott
Despite the unprecedented speed of current breakthroughs investment is weak and money is either stashed away or distributed to shareholders
Prepare for the age of the driverless car and the robot that does the housework. That was the message from the World Economic Forum earlier this year as it hailed the start of a new industrial revolution. According to the WEF, the fourth big structural change in the past 250 years is upon us.
The first industrial revolution was about water and steam. The second was about electricity and mass production. The third harnessed electronics and information technology to automate production. Now it is the turn of artificial intelligence, nanotechnology, biotechnology, materials science, 3D printing and quantum computing to transform the global economy.
People running companies are dominated by short-term performance targets and the need to keep shareholders sweet
Related: Can democracy survive the fourth industrial revolution? Should it?
Shareholder value maximisation has certainly delivered for the top 1%
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