We have the power to create the economy we want – let’s use it | Tom Kibasi
Today, the unclear prospects of Brexit loom large over our economy and our politics. The vote to leave was, by definition, a vote against the status quo. A majority of British people felt they had little to lose and perhaps something to gain from a radical shake-up of the economy. "Take back control" resonated because it was an expression of a feeling of powerlessness in the globalised economy.
The general election that was ostensibly called on the question of Brexit rapidly focused on the state of the country at home - schools funding, NHS deficits, public sector pay, reductions in police numbers. And the increase in voting by people in their 20s and 30s revealed the depth of frustration among younger generations, so many of whom are unable to access decent housing and are weighed down by mounting student debt. This generation expect that they will be poorer than their parents because they will be.
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