10 Best Lightweight Linux Distributions For Older Computers In 2017 by princelobga@pipedot.org in ask on 2017-11-09 07:39 (#37EYA) Don’t throw your old computer just yet. Use a lightweight Linux distro and revive that decades-old system. https://itsfoss.com/lightweight-linux-beginners/
Rewrite (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on 2017-11-11 04:53 (#37N70) Don't throw your old computer just yet! Use a lightweight Linux distro and revive that decades-old system. Itsfoss has a list distributions to bring an old computer back to life. The distros mentioned in the article, which provides an overview of each with minimum machine specs needed, is: Peppermint, Lubuntu, Linux Lite, LXLE, CrunchBang++, Bodhi, antiX, SparkyLinux, PuppyLinux, TinyCore.