The Day is Coming for Car Tab Legislation

Washiwiki (Wikimedia)
[Update 2:30pm: I originally misread the tweet below "another day" as "tomorrow". We're not sure when this is coming to vote, but it doesn't appear to be today. Sorry for the error.]
For obscure scheduling reasons, House Democrats delayed action on HB2201, which would take over $2 billion out of Sound Transit's funding. It's a good time to call your representatives in the House.
Car tab fees inspire an unusual amount of passion in opponents, possibly because they are assessed in a single, annual lump sum. Nevertheless, it is a curious priority for the new Democratic majority to immediately slap fervent supporters that care deeply about the environment and transit, while so many other policy priorities languish.
House D spokesperson says the ST3 car tab adjustment bill will run another day. Says delay dealt with scheduling, not a policy problem. #waleg
- Drew Mikkelsen (@drewmikkelsenk5) January 10, 2018
I have no particular love for the Motor Vehicle Excise Tax, but if legislators insist that it's too inflammatory, they are morally obligated to make the Puget Sound region whole through some combination of direct appropriations, reduced sales tax exemptions on commerce, and a tax exemption for Sound Transit projects. It's the minimum they can do for a local electorate that voted decisively for better transit, and are now seeing statewide government chip away at it on behalf of whomever happens to be yelling the loudest right now.