Marxism v capitalism isso last century | Letters
Rafael Behr's article (Even at Davos capitalism's critics are centre stage, 23 January) seems to be a "will he/won't he" piece about whether Jeremy Corbyn wants to overthrow capitalism. Really? Is that really a serious question? Once in power is Corbyn really going to set about singlehandedly dismantling a global financial system? Yet Behr wants to know if that's Corbyn's ultimate goal. Should we ask if Theresa May's ultimate goal is fascism? She hasn't ruled it out, you know.
It's quite clear that Corbyn wants a form of social democracy, but Behr is not sure if Corbyn wants something more extreme. If only there was some kind of manifesto that laid out Labour's plans and policies for how they would govern? Oh well, we may never know until we're in the gulag.
Joe Carlisle