Article 3GBHY Important words about Brexit | Letters

Important words about Brexit | Letters

from Economics | The Guardian on (#3GBHY)
Christopher Rainger thinks Keir Starmer should say 'No Brexit' is the best 'Jobs Brexit'. But John Doherty recalls David Cameron's pledge that the referendum would be final. And Peter McKenna says that if anyone led the Brexit charge it was Tony Benn

What a game-changer it will be when Keir Starmer gets up in the Commons and announces that Labour has decided that the best "Jobs Brexit" is "No Brexit". Recent polling (Labour will win the next election if it becomes the party of remain,, 18 February) shows the majority of Labour members oppose Brexit and the majority of Labour voters do too.

Numerous independent and government reports have said that the effect on jobs and the economy from all Brexit options will be bad, with fruit growers already moving from Hereford to China. So, to change Labour's stance from a hard-to-explain "Jobs Brexit" to an easily defendable "No Brexit" will be changing the policy as the facts change, with no loss of face. Brexit was mis-sold to the public and only Labour can halt Britain's descent into chaos. It must join with other progressive parties across Europe and fight for Britain to remain and reform the EU. It's also the only way Labour can win the election that must follow the collapse of talks or Theresa May's fall from power.
Christopher Rainger

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