Just when the baby boomer is loving the empty nest, here’s the boomerang child... | Yvonne Roberts
The bedrooms have been redecorated in grown-up colours, the 25-year-old soft toys chucked out, the washing machine is blissfully underused and, thanks to the apparent current raging addictions of baby boomers, a holiday or two - cruising in the Med, the Antarctic, anywhere that avoids dry land - have been booked. And then they're back.
According to a recent study by the London School of Economics (LSE), adult children who return to the family home after a period away - often at university - cause a significant decline in their parents' quality of life and wellbeing.
It's not easy for a twentysomething having to witness the daily spectacle of baby boomers bent on rediscovering their 60s mojo
Related: Boomerang offspring damage parents' wellbeing, study finds
Related: Ten ways for parents to survive an empty nest
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