Article 3MMSF Error'd: Surgeons, Put Down Your Scalpels

Error'd: Surgeons, Put Down Your Scalpels

Mark Bowytz
from The Daily WTF on (#3MMSF)

"I wonder what events, or lawsuits, lead TP-Link to add this warning presumably targeted individuals who updated firmware just ahead of performing medical procedures," writes Andrew.


"WalMart was very concerned I didn't bag my bags," wrote Rob C.


"I sure hope the pilots' map is more accurate than the one they show the passengers," wrote Maddie J.


"To me, messages like this are almost like saying to the user 'See? You are the reason why this is broken. Now go and code a fix for it.'," writes Philip B.


Brian J. wrote, "To add insult to injury here, neither the 'Yes' or 'No' button worked. Especially the "No" button."


Aankhen wrote, "If nothing else, CrashPlan is very confident, I'll give it that."


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