Article 3NTFE Error'd: Billboards Show Obvious Disasters

Error'd: Billboards Show Obvious Disasters

Mark Bowytz
from The Daily WTF on (#3NTFE)

"Actually, this board is outside a casino in Sheffield which is next to the church, but we won't go there," writes Simon.


Wouter wrote, "The local gas station is now running ads for Windows 10 updates."


"If I were to legally change my name to a GUID, this is exactly what I'd pick," Lincoln K. wrote.


Robert F. writes, "Copy/Paste? Bah! If you really want to know how many log files are being generated per server, every minute, you're going to have to earn it by typing out this 'easy' command."


"I imagine someone pushed the '10 items or fewer' rule on the self-checkout kiosk just a little too far," Michael writes.


Wojciech wrote, "To think - someone actually doodled this JavaScript code!"


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