Article 3P701 CodeSOD: A Password Generator

CodeSOD: A Password Generator

Remy Porter
from The Daily WTF on (#3P701)

Every programming language has a *bias* which informs their solutions. Object-oriented languages are biased towards objects, and all the things which follow on. Clojure is all about function application. Haskell is all about type algebra. Ruby is all about monkey-patching existing objects.

In any language, these things can be taken too far. Java's infamous Spring framework leaps to mind. Perl, being biased towards regular expressions, has earned its reputation as being "write only" thanks to regex abuse.

Gert sent us along some Perl code, and I was expecting to see regexes taken too far. To my shock, there weren't any regexes.

Gert's co-worker needed to generate a random 6-digit PIN for a voicemail system. It didn't need to be cryptographically secure, repeats and zeros are allowed (they exist on a keypad, after all!). The Perl-approach for doing this would normally be something like:

sub randomPIN { return sprintf("%06u",int(rand(1000000)));}

Gert's co-worker had a different plan in mind, though.

sub randomPIN {my $password;my @num = (1..9);my @char = ('@','#','$','%','^','&','*','(',')');my @alph = ('a'..'z');my @alph_up = ('A'..'Z');my $rand_num1 = $num[int rand @num];my $rand_num2 = $num[int rand @num];my $rand_num3 = $num[int rand @num];my $rand_num4 = $num[int rand @num];my $rand_num5 = $num[int rand @num];my $rand_num6 = $num[int rand @num];$password = "$rand_num1"."$rand_num2"."$rand_num3"."$rand_num4"."$rand_num5"."$rand_num6";return $password;}

This code starts by creating a set of arrays, @num, @char, etc. The only one that matters is @num, though, since this generates a PIN to be entered on a phone keypad and touchtone signals are numeric and also there is no "(" key on a telephone keypad. Obviously, the developer copied this code from a random password function somewhere, which is its own special kind of awful.

Now, what's fascinating is that they initialize @num with the numbers 1 through 9, and then use the rand function to generate a random number from 0 through 8, so that they can select an item from the array. So they understood how the rand function worked, but couldn't make the leap to eliminate the array with something like rand(9).

For now, replacing this function is simply on Gert's todo list.

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