Article 3RDS3 Error'd: I Beg Your Entschuldigung?

Error'd: I Beg Your Entschuldigung?

Mark Bowytz
from The Daily WTF on (#3RDS3)

"Delta does not seem to be so sure of what language to address me in," writes Pat.


"I'm wondering if the person writing the release notes made that typo when their mind was...ahem...somewhere else?" writes Pieter V.


Brad W. wrote, "For having "Caterpillar," "Revolver," and "Steel Toe" in the description the shoe seems a bit wimpy...maybe the wearer is expected to have an actual steel toe?"


"Tomato...tomahto...potato...potahto...GDPR...GPRD...all the same thing. Right?" writes Paul K.


"Apparently installing Ubuntu 18.04 on your laptop comes with free increase of battery capacity by almost 40x! Now that's what I call FREE software!" Jordan D. wrote.


Ian O. writes, "I don't know why Putin cares about the NE-2 Democratic primary, but I'm sure he added those eight extra precincts for a good reason."


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