Article 3SBBP Error'd: Just Handle It

Error'd: Just Handle It

Mark Bowytz
from The Daily WTF on (#3SBBP)

Clint writes, "On Facebook, I tried to report a post as spam. I think I might just have to accept it."


"Jira seems to have strange ideas about my keyboard layout... Or is there a key that I don't know about?" writes Rob H.


George wrote, "There was deep wisdom bestowed upon weary travelers by the New York subway system at the Jamaica Center station this morning."


"Every single number field on the checkout page, including phone and credit card, was an integer. Just in case, you know, you felt like clicking a lot," Jeremiah C. writes.


"I don't know which is more ridiculous: that a Linux recovery image is a Windows 10, or that there's a difference between Pro and Professional," wrote Dima R.


"I got my weekly workout summary and, well, it looks I might have been hitting the gym a little too hard," Colin writes.


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