The Way Back Home 149
I have posted the results from our latest polls. There are now four new polls that appear randomly in the voting widget in the right sidebar:
- Are you male or female?
- Are you in a steady relationship?
- Since when have you been reading Gaia?
- What are your three favorite comic genres? (a specific comic is often part of several genres)
- Guard #1: Hrrrk!
- Guard #1: I can't stand up!
- Guard #2: Me neither! It's like I weigh a ton!
- Guard #1: Oh no! That can only mean it was"
- Guard #2: " Ariella of Cheysh!
- Guard #1: If Ariella switched sides, Gregory will too!
- Guard #2: Cania is doomed!
- Ariella of Cheysh: Take my hand.