Article 3W40W Error'd: What the Truck?!

Error'd: What the Truck?!

Mark Bowytz
from The Daily WTF on (#3W40W)

"I think I'll order the big-busted truck," writes Alicia.


Kevin D. writes, "Well, I guess when it comes to Microsoft and crashes, it's either go big or go home!"


"I was checking the status of a refund and learned that, in my specific case, time had gone negative," Dave L. wrote.


"Ok, Thunderbird, I know I'm an email packrat, but I really didn't think I had over 100 TB of junk stashed away!" Rich P. writes.


Mike S. wrote, "We usually complain about error dialogs without enough information. Then there's GIT."


"After installing an old PCI-e Serial card with accompanying driver, circa 2006, and then updating, the device shows as an 'unusable Parallel Port' in the list," writes Ralph E., "Oh, and the text in 'Geritestatus' is German and means 'The device is working properly.'"


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