Article 3YS50 Error'd: Stay Away From California

Error'd: Stay Away From California

Mark Bowytz
from The Daily WTF on (#3YS50)

"Deep down, I knew this was one of the most honest labels I've ever seen," wrote Bob E.


"Some people struggle to get and keep a high credit score. I, on the other hand, appear to have gotten a high score," writes PaweA.


Steve M. wrote, "I'm trying to register our travel insurance with ROL Cruises, but our travel policy has been rejected because it's under age."


"This happens every time my mom tries to place a call in her car," writes Dylan S., "Strangely enough, the call still goes through."


"While I appreciate the one year warranty, I don't think I will be using these tea cakes to replace my HP battery," J.R. wrote.


Neil D. writes, "So, am I supposed to enter -1 and then I can buy one?"


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