Article 432Q4 Error'd: A Right to Remain Ever Conscious Blooms

Error'd: A Right to Remain Ever Conscious Blooms

Mark Bowytz
from The Daily WTF on (#432Q4)

Eion R wrote, "Sure Google Voice, that is exactly what I was looking for."


"One might think this game is titled 'Alpha Blending and the Revenge of Floating Point' but it's not. It's just broken," writes Ashley A.


Bryan S. wrote, "I just hope that whoever created this survey doens't work on their online banking app."


"Now that it's the end of the day, I'm pretty sure I've walked some finite, non-negative number of steps," Drew C. writes.


"Why yes, I am interested in supporting the https project on Indiegogo. I think it'll be a big hit," writes Adam R.


"I guess I can't fault the hotel for trying to make some of its money back by including ads in their 'goodbye' note," wrote Andreas R.


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