Article 43WHZ Bank of England says no-deal Brexit would be worse than 2008 crisis

Bank of England says no-deal Brexit would be worse than 2008 crisis

Richard Partington
from on (#43WHZ)

Bank warns of immediate economic crash, GDP to fall by 8%, unemployment to rise to 7.5%

Britain crashing out of the European Union without a deal could trigger a deep and damaging recession with worse consequences for the UK economy than the 2008 financial crisis, the Bank of England has warned.

Related: UK significantly worse off under all Brexit scenarios - official forecast

Related: This Brexit deal would be a disaster for innovators and entrepreneurs | Deborah Meaden

Related: UK banks can survive a disorderly Brexit, says Bank of England

The @bankofengland #Brexir analysis is highly speculative and extreme. It will add to the view that the Bank is getting unnecessarily involved in politics and that will further undermine perceptions of its independence and credibility.

And I won't make a full judgement until I see the details. But their bad-case losses from a no-deal Brexit look extremely high. I mean, 8 percent of GDP was the kind of estimate we used to make for countries with 150 percent effective rates of protection. 2/

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