Article 4553S Brexit worries and bad weather cloud the Christmas high street

Brexit worries and bad weather cloud the Christmas high street

Angela Monaghan
from on (#4553S)

UK consumers are reining in spending as economic uncertainty dents footfall and hits sales

Retailers vying for customers in the last full week of trading before Christmas are in for a tough time according to the latest predictions, with footfall expected to fall by about 3% this week as cash-strapped shoppers rein in spending.

The forecast by retail analysis firm Springboard adds to the bleak picture facing the sector in the key festive trading season, as consumers uncertain about what Brexit will mean for the economy and their finances cut back on gift-buying this year.

Related: Storm Deirdre batters UK and adds to retail woe

Maplin, Toys R Us and Jacques Vert have all collapsed in recent months, but several retailers and restaurant groups are facing financial problems and are trying to close stores or negotiate rent cuts.

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