Article 46228 Gaia will end in 2020 or 2021

Gaia will end in 2020 or 2021

from Gaia on (#46228)

I'm sure there's a good number of readers who just can't get enough of Gaia. But there's probably an even larger number of people who are annoyed when long-form comics go on and on and on without an end in sight. For those, I have some good news:

Gaia will end in 2020 or 2021!

I currently don't see why much more than about 250 pages should be necessary to bring the story to a satisfying conclusion. Maybe even 200 pages will be sufficient, we'll see about that"

Of course there are always ways to prolong a story. For example, the heroes could explore Ysdar, the land of the elves. I'm sure this would offer many opportunities to introduce interesting characters and exciting adventures. But I fail to see how this would add anything meaningful to the main plot. Gaia is about Lilith and Viviana and their struggles, not about the reunification of humans and elves.

I will rather concentrate on tying up the loose ends of the story, such as Viviana's visions, and bring it to a conclusion. However, I've had some trouble to come up with good ideas for two crucial scenes. This may result in a reduced update schedule or even a short hiatus if I failed to come up with something convincing in time.

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