The pointless pain caused by austerity | Letters
The severe cuts to children's services since 2010 reported by the five major children's charities (Cuts plunge children's services in England into crisis, charities warn, 26 February) are an indictment of this government and its predecessor's austerity which no amount of evasive waffle by the minister for children and families can justify. Poverty and material deprivation are known to be detrimental to brain and physical development in early childhood, and the negative effects track into adulthood. Austerity is responsible for both an increase in child poverty and material disadvantage, and a reduction in services which help to mitigate the worst effects. Government policy is blighting the lives of a whole generation of children and setting them up for mental and physical health problems as adults.
Nick Spencer
Emeritus professor of child health, University of Warwick
" This large surplus is nothing to celebrate when you remember how it has been achieved (Biggest monthly surplus since 1993 gives Hammond 15bn Brexit boost, 22 February). It has taken huge cuts to the funding for our public services, many of which are on the verge of terminal decline, a foolishly shortsighted policy which will end up costing us all more as a result of the problems the cuts are causing. You previously reported that the years of austerity have caused an average 3,629 a year loss per household in real terms (Nine years of austerity has hit household budgets hard, study claims, 21 February). It's hard to believe that many still think Tories are the most competent economic managers.
Michael Miller