Article 4BEPP Ars Technica is hiring an experienced reporter

Ars Technica is hiring an experienced reporter

Nate Anderson
from Ars Technica - All content on (#4BEPP)

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Ars Technica is looking for an experienced reporter-a true journalistic hustler who will work the (literal and metaphorical) phones to bring our readers fresh, hot news about the interaction between technology and society.

What do we mean by "technology and society"? We mean stories about the growing political and cultural "Big Tech backlash," copyright clashes, the culture of Silicon Valley firms, tech-policy battles, and important tech-related court cases-not a review of the science in the latest sci-fi blockbuster.

We're looking for someone "experienced to senior" (at least 3 years of quality reporting experience) who already knows what we mean by an "Ars story."

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