Article 4BHX2 T-Mobile’s $50 home Internet service has no data cap, but plenty of limits

T-Mobile’s $50 home Internet service has no data cap, but plenty of limits

Jon Brodkin
from Ars Technica - All content on (#4BHX2)

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T-Mobile today said it is starting "an invitation-only pilot for in-home Internet service on LTE" and will connect up to 50,000 homes this year in rural and underserved parts of the country. It will cost $50 a month.

T-Mobile CEO John Legere said his company plans to "take the fight to Big Cable on behalf of consumers and offer real choice, competition and savings to Americans nationwide."

Invitations for the home service will go out this week by email and US mail to current T-Mobile wireless customers in "select areas," which T-Mobile did not identify in its announcement.

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