Article 4BQ52 May can’t shirk the blame for a Brexit crisis she created | William Keegan

May can’t shirk the blame for a Brexit crisis she created | William Keegan

William Keegan
from on (#4BQ52)

Her attempt to frighten everyone by talking up no-deal amounts to almost criminal negligence with the economy

'People," a civil servant friend of mine once observed, "are divided into two distinct groups: those who blame others, and those who blame themselves."

After her preposterous address to the nation last Wednesday evening, it is abundantly clear to which group Theresa May belongs. She blames others, not least those of her fellow elected representatives who are trying to prevent her sacrificing the interests of this country to what the good Lord Adonis calls Jacob Rees-Mogg's "Economic Ruin Group". (For readers who may have missed this, Rees-Mogg runs an outfit that purports to be the "European Research Group", but it does not seem to do much research, or even notice the economic and social damage in front of its very eyes associated with the mere prospect of Brexit.)

She has been playing havoc trying to keep the party together while they have been plotting to tear her apart

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