Article 4BYTF There’s this new 4K Falcon 9 video you probably want to watch

There’s this new 4K Falcon 9 video you probably want to watch

Eric Berger
from Ars Technica - All content on (#4BYTF)

Falcon 9 highlight video.

SpaceX recently updated the Falcon 9 page of its website with a new video showcasing some of the rocket's recent launches and landings. On the video's YouTube page, there's an option for 4K video, and it is spectacular.

Some highlights of the video include close-ups of the Falcon 9 engines re-lighting to prepare for landing and deployment of the landing legs themselves.

We've seen a lot of these views before, but we've never seen them with this amount of clarity. Anyway, stop wasting your time reading this article and just watch the video.

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