Article 4CGH3 Email chain prompts Microsoft to investigate reports of sexual harassment ignored by HR

Email chain prompts Microsoft to investigate reports of sexual harassment ignored by HR

Peter Bright
from Ars Technica - All content on (#4CGH3)

Enlarge (credit: Mike Mozart)

Women at Microsoft have been sharing reports of sexual harassment by both fellow coworkers and external partners that were often ignored by managers and human resources alike, according to a report by Quartz.

On March 20, an employee emailed other women at the company to ask for advice on moving up the chain after six years without promotion. This brought forward dozens of stories of discrimination and harassment, such as one woman being told to sit on another coworker's lap or a woman in a technical role having her contribution to a project restricted to booking meeting rooms, making dinner reservations, and taking minutes. Quartz verified the contents of the thread with employees at the company, and it has reviewed more than 90 pages of emails.

In many cases, employees say that they reported the events to their managers or to HR, only to have those complaints dismissed or overlooked-for example, written off as "just flirting" or ignored for lack of evidence.

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